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Ancient Mayan Food

Ancient Mayan Food 

Researching ancient Mayan food is easier than with other American ancient cultures. The reason is that still today there are people that recognize themselves as Mayan, traces of other "big" cultures are gone or a lot harder to find. The ancient Mayan culture usually is considered to have been between 2000BC until 900AD, thus when the Spanish came to Middle America it was already after its prime. The Mayan empire was influential all the way from Nicaragua to central Mexico.

Maize was a staple food for the Mayans
Maize was a staple food for the Mayans


Compared to the Eurasian ancient cultures there are some major differences. For instance, the major staple was maize, a crop domestic to the area. Beans was a major protein source and much more important than it ever was in any ancient Eurasian culture. Of the cultivated vegetables squash and pumpkin were the most important - yucca, manioc, tomato, and sweet potato were also grown. Natural products like avocado, papaya, and guava were tamed or gathered - downpour timberlands in the locale constantly made organic product assortment significant. They likewise realized how to make chocolate from cacao.  The agricultural practices varied from shifting cultivation to properly managed and irrigated fields, various methods were developed to meet the specific demands of a certain area. The Mayans were among the first to rehearse crop pivot, a significant method to maintain a strategic distance from soil depletion. 


The preparation of maize was quite elaborate. Subsequent to drying the maize bits they were absorbed water and lime, a technique that additionally made the nourishment progressively nutritious for the human body.  The pale outcome was then ground and could be utilized to make "tortillas", regular until today. Cooked beans would be mashed up and put inside the tortilla and you had the first "burritos". It is believed that popcorn is a Mayan invention. It could also be consumed in liquid form as a gruel. In ancient Mayan food, maize was paramount.

Meat And Fish

The meat was not usual in the diet, the domestic turkey was the most common. Else, it would have been irregular pursued creatures like bunnies and monkeys. Fish and seafood were mostly eaten in the coastal regions but was to some extent salted and transported.

Spices and Seasoning

Chili is domestic to the Americas and was used liberally by the Mayans. Honey was used as a sweetener, there is evidence of beekeeping. They also knew the delicious secret of the vanilla orchid capsule.

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