North America
The Origins Of Food By Continent
Acorn squash (Oak seed squash) is firmly identified with the zucchini and have a place in the "winter squash" family. All cultivars of squash have their ancestral roots in the Americas. Vegetables
Acorn squash (Oak seed squash) is firmly identified with the zucchini and have a place in the "winter squash" family. All cultivars of squash have their ancestral roots in the Americas. Vegetables
American groundnut (also potato bean, hopniss, Indian potato, groundnut) is a type of bean native to eastern North America. Vegetables
Blackberry are several species that are native to temperate areas in Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. Fruits & Nuts
Blackcurrant (also cassis) belongs to the family ribes. Used to make jellies and drinks. Native to temperate areas in the northern hemisphere. Fruits & Nuts
Blueberry is native to North America. There is a smaller blue berry called bilberry that is native to Europe and Asia. Fruits & Nuts
Buckwheat is actually a plant that has its botanical origin in two species, one native to North America and the other to Europe and Asia It was first domesticated in China about 8000 years ago. Grains & Cereals
Calabash tree (also kalebas, huingo, krabasi) is similar but not closely related to the calabash. Native to the Americas. Fruits & Nuts
Cauliflower mushroom (also sparassus) is native to Europe and North America. It has only started to be cultivated recently. Mushrooms
Char is closely related to salmon and trout. Dwell in really cold freshwater. Native to North America, Europe, and Asia. Fish & Seafood
Cherry is a generic term for various species native to northern America, Europe, and Asia. The original cherry is native to Europe. Fruits & Nuts
Clawed lobsters are two saltwater dwelling species only found in the Atlantic north of the equator. Priced for their good taste. Fish & Seafood
Cloudberry (also bakeapple) part of the mulberry family. Grows in colder temperate areas in the northern hemisphere. Many times used in jams. Fruits & Nuts
Cod is one of our more popular foods. Eaten dried, smoked or fresh. Is a number of species found in the Northern Atlantic, the Arctic and the Western Pacific oceans, other than cod you have pollock. The commercial fishing has been concentrated to the Atlantic cod, overfishing has created problems. Fish & Seafood
Common ling native to the North Atlantic. Large. Fish & Seafood
Corn smut is a kind of disease found on maize. Known as huitlacoche in Latin America where it is native. Common in Mexican cuisine. Mushrooms
Cranberry is native to colder temperate areas in Asia, Europe, and North America. Mainly used to make juice and jam. Fruits & Nuts
Dabberlocks Dabberlocks (likewise badderlocks, winged kelp) is an ocean growth collected and eaten in the North Atlantic. Native to the North Atlantic and Alaska. Vegetables
Deer have only recently started to be domesticated for meat production. Deer are native to all continents except Australia and Antarctica. Livestock
Dulse (also dillisk, dilsk, red dulse, sea lettuce flakes, creathnach) is red algae native to oceans in the northern hemisphere where it is also harvested and eaten. Vegetables
Evaporated milk is milk where water has been removed. Sweet tasting but no sugar has been added. Dairy Products
Filé powder (additionally gumbo filé) is leaves of the sassafras regularly utilized in North American Creole/Cajun cooking.
Spices & Herbs
Flounders are several species of flatfish native to the Northern Atlantic and the Pacific. Fish & Seafood
Garden angelica Nursery angelica (additionally heavenly apparition, wild celery, Norwegian angelica) is local to Scandinavia and Greenland. Spices & Herbs
Geoduck is a large saltwater clam. A member can protrude up to one meter. Native to Northwestern North America. Has become really popular in East Asia, therefore large scale cultivation has commenced. Fish & Seafood
Granadilla a few species related to passion fruit. Native to the Americas. Fruits & Nuts
Grape is various species native to the northern hemisphere. Culturally extremely important it has been cultivated for at least 5000 years. Fruits & Nuts
Haddock is a popular food fish in the North Atlantic. Fish & Seafood
Halibut is native to the North Pacific and the North Atlantic. Can weigh up to 300 kg. not the same as flounder. Fish & Seafood
Hazelnut is several species belonging to the family corylus. Native to temperate regions in the northern hemisphere. Fruits & Nuts
Herring are various species native to the North Atlantic and the North Pacific. Smoked, salted, fried and pickled it has been an important staple food. Fish & Seafood
Hijiki (additionally hiziki) is an ocean vegetable local to coasts in the northwestern Pacific. It grows wild and is harvested. Vegetables
Hops are the female blossoms of a few assortments of a plant called "humulus". Its natural sources are in temperate districts in the northern half of the globe. Normally utilized in beer making. Spices & Herbs
Lingonberry (also cowberry, foxberry, quailberry, mountain cranberry, red whortleberry, lowbush cranberry, mountain bilberry, partridgeberry, and redberry) is native to colder temperate areas in Asia, Europe, and North America. This acid berry is used to make jams and juices. Fruits & Nuts
Maize (also corn) are various cultivars domesticated by ancient American cultures where they are native. Very important in Africa and the Americas. Grains & Cereals, Vegetables
Malabar gourd (also cidra, fig leaf gourd, Asian pumpkin, pie melon, Siam pumpkin, Thai marrow) is a type of squash and thus with its origins in the Americas where it also was cultivated. Popular in Asia. Vegetables
Medlar is two species. The common medlar is native to Southwest Asia, while Stern´s medlar is native to North America. Fruits & Nuts
Morels are several species native to North America and Europe. Are poisonous so preparation has to be careful. In the 20th century it was found out that they grow on old papermill grounds. You can actually grow them yourself by digging down some newspapers in sandy soil and hope for some spores to arrive. Mushrooms
Mulberry (also Morus) is a number of species of various shapes and colors. They are native to most regions on all continents except Australia. Fruits & Nuts
North American Bison The famous "buffalo" has been farmed since the 19th century. Livestock
Oroblanco (also sweetie) is a cross between types of grapefruit and pomelo. First bred in California. Fruits & Nuts
Pattypan squash (Pattypan squash (additionally sunburst squash, white squash, scaloppini button squash, cymling, scallop squash, granny squash, custard marrow, custard squash) is a sort of "summer squash" and subsequently has its birthplaces in the Americas. It looks like a little pie. Vegetables
Pecan is a nut native to Mexico and the US. Fruits & Nuts
Pike is a number of species found in North America, Europe, and Russia. Fresh water-dwelling but also found in the Baltic Sea. Fish & Seafood
Pumpkin is a few major measured cultivars from the family Cucurbita that incorporates squash and gourd, has its herbal causes in the Americas. Very popular in the US. Vegetables
Rabbits are native to all inhabited continents Australia where their introduction has had disastrous consequences for the ecosystem. Have been bred for meat and pelt for over a thousand years. Livestock
Raspberry native to temperate areas in Asia, Europe, and North America. Fruits & Nuts
Redcurrant belongs to the family ribes. Used to make jellies. Native to temperate areas in the northern hemisphere. The albino version is known as whitecurrant. Fruits & Nuts
Reindeer have been herded by indigenous populations at least since the 17th century. The wild species were native to sub-arctic tundra-like environments in the northern hemisphere - Russia, Norway, Sweden, Canada, and the US, etc. Meat and milk is consumed. Livestock
Rose hip is a berry-like fruit that grows on of rose bushes native to Europe, North America, Africa and Asia. Used for soups, jams and teas. Fruits & Nuts
Salmon are large species of the Salmonidae family that migrate between salt and freshwater. The steelhead kind is what is common in Europe. Domestic to the Northern hemisphere it is also cultivated in Chile and Australia. Fish & Seafood
Sassafras is a couple of types of trees local to eastern North America and East Asia. The leaves are used to make filé powder. Spices & Herbs
Stinging nettle (likewise regular bother) is local to Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America. It is comparative and utilized in the same manner as spinach. Spices & Herbs
Summer squash is a collective name for cousa squash, pattypan squash (Scallop squash), yellow crookneck squash, yellow summer squash, and zucchini. All with their origins in the Americas. Vegetables
Sweet corn (also Indian corn, sugar corn, pole corn) is a type of maize and the most common cultivar. It is cooked or made into flour. Native to the Americas. Vegetables
Tarragon (also dragon herb, dragon´s wort) is a group of plants native to the northern hemisphere. The benevolent developed in Europe referred to as French tarragon is viewed as best from a culinary point of view. Spices & Herbs
Tepary bean is native to Central America and southwestern North America. Vegetables
Trout are the freshwater dwelling species of the "Salmonidae" family. Native to Europe, Asia, and North America - although they have been spread to other continents by sport fishing enthusiasts. Fish & Seafood
Walnut are several species native to the northern hemisphere. Fruits & Nuts
Wild rice the wild ancestors of rice is still harvested in parts of North America. There are 4 main species, 3 domestic to North America and one to Asia and Africa. Grains & Cereals
Zucchini (additionally courgette) are sorts of squash and consequently with heritage in the Americas. Belong to the "summer squash". Vegetables